Urban Landscape PreWork
12:57:00 PM1.Find links to 3 different contemporary street photographers and print out a bio and at least 3 images
Nils Erik Larson
- Nils Erik Larson is a Swedish photographer who typically shoots in black and white. His self described style is "having a knack for being in the right place at the right time"
Maciej Dakowicz
Polish Photographer Dakowicz claims to have run out of pages on his passport. He is a world traveler who shoots digitally in color. Maciej has abandoned a career in engineering to pursue photography. He is currently based in Mumbai.
Jesse Marlow
Jesse Marlow is a Melbourne based street photographer, who belongs to a collective of 21 photographers known as in Public.
2.Post at least 3 images of urban landscape-choose images that are both contemporary(1970’s-to now) and historical -(pre 1970’s)
(Photographer Unknown Source)
Jeremy Mann